Anti-Aging Injection

Placenta Injection

Human placenta extract contains abundant, refined and exclusive Amino acids, vitamins and growth factors such as HGF* and FGF*. If repeated regularly, Placenta provides a variety of medical effects: It often alleviates menopausal symptoms, improves liver function, and modifies and normalizes the immune system. It settles inflammation such as an atopic dermatitis, and is effective in creating clear and bright skin,
HGF* hepatocyte growth factor/ FGF* fibroblast growth factor.

The costs are designed to allow patients to partake of the procedure regularly. Placenta extract supplements are also available for home use. 
Pure Placenta D.R.

This treatment is more effective in producing whitened and beautified skin when it is combined with Vitamin C concentrated drip or internal medicine.

Placenta Injection1 session6 session
LAENNEC 1A (2 cc)¥1,100¥5,500
(1 session ¥917)
LAENNEC 2A (4 cc)¥1,650¥8,250
(1 session ¥1,375)
LAENNEC 3A (6 cc)¥2,200¥11,000
(1 session ¥1,833)

Pain, allergic reaction

Multi-Vitamin Injection

Multi-vitamin injections contain a high concentration of vitamin B complex and Vitamin C that are effective in relieving fatigue and for this reason have become popular among professional athletes. These injections not only help alleviate still shoulders and back pain but also enhance beauty.

1 session6 session tickets
Multi-Vitamin Injection¥3,960¥19,800
(1 session ¥3,300)

Pain, allergic reaction

Alpha-lipoic acid Injection

Having a very strong antioxidant property akin to vitamins, Alpha-Lipoic Acid promotes the decomposition and improves the metabolism of carbohydrate; and suppresses the excessive rise of blood sugar. It also eliminates reactive oxygen species, accelerates blood circulation, and activates brain function. These attributes are indicative of healthy, beautiful skin.

1 session6 session tickets
Alpha-lipoic acid Injection¥3,850¥19,250
(1 session ¥3,208)

Pain, low blood sugar

L-Carnitine Injection

L-Carnitine is a substance, similar to vitamins, which is biosynthesized from an amino acid; it is a prerequisite for the conversion (burning) of fatty acid into energy inside the mitochondria of body cells. An abundance of L-Carnitine increases the body’s metabolic rate thus making it easier to maintain a good and slim body shape. To successfully achieve synergy, it is recommended that L-Carnitine is followed by exercise.

1 session6 session tickets
L-Carnitine Injection¥4,400¥22,000
(1session ¥3,667)


Beauty and Diet Injection

Beauty and Diet injection is a combination infusion of Alpha-Lipoic acid and L-carnitine, both of which are considered to be metabolism boosters and effective for health and beauty.
Alpha-Lipoic acid performs very high anti-oxidative functions, provides immediate relief from fatigue, burns carbohydrates, and modulates lifestyle-related diseases. L-carnitine accelerates the burning of fat and promotes improved body metabolism.

1session6 session tickets
Beauty and Diet Injection¥9,900¥49,500
(1session ¥8,250)

Pain, allergic reaction

Hormone Replacement Therapy Injection (Female)

Suppresses skin aging and preserves youthfulness. In addition to beauty purposes, it also helps maintain good health by increasing immunity, accelerating metabolism and reducing menopausal symptoms.

Hormone Replacement Therapy Injection (Female)¥2,200¥11,000
(1 session ¥1,833)

Pain in the injected area, upset stomach, nausea, breast tension or pain and in rare cases, irregular bleeding

Please refrain from this treatment if you have a history of breast or uterine cancer.

Hormone Replacement Therapy Injection (Male)

Replenish male hormones that decline with age. Testosterone, a male hormone, has effects such as muscle building and lipid metabolism.
It also has a positive effect on mental functions such as memory, concentration, and motivation.

Hormone Replacement Therapy Injection (Male)¥4,400¥22,000
(1 session ¥3,666)

Pain in the injected area, edema, liver dysfunction, polycythemia.

Please refrain from this treatment if you have a history of prostate cancer or cirrhosis of the liver.